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Terms and conditions

The page holds all the Terms and Conditions (“T&Cs”) of using Devnagri website. User is requested to read these before using any service, part of the website. T&Cs are the legal agreement between the reader and Devnagri for all the services of the website. User can consult a legal advisor if he/she has a doubt regarding any point mentioned below. Once visiting the website either as a client, reviewer or translator you shall abide by these T&Cs, if you wish to use the given services.

The management team of Devnagri holds every right to change, amend, delete or add any T&C to the list given below without any prior notice to user. User is advised to read these T&Cs along with Privacy Policies (recommended) on regular basis to remain up to date. By accessing any part of this website you agree to follow the terms and conditions given here, if you do not wish to follow the T&Cs then you must not utilize the services proposed on Devnagri and should not access any part of this website. All the material, content and references are protected by legal trademark and copyright law thus one should not try to copy or use any part without prior written permission for the same.

Usage of Devnagri

Devnagri is to be used by abiding international and national (Indian) laws along with the below mentioned T&Cs.

User is forbidden to:

  • Use this platform for selling personal or professional product/service, until specified and approved by Devnagri
  • See this website (Or any of its part) as personal property until approved by website owners
  • Copy, use or adopt any part of the website before prior written consent from the website owners. If found guilty user will be notified through proper channels and if no fitting action is observed then the problem shall be dealt according to jurisdictional directions.
  • Hack, reverse engineer, copy source code or use the website from any illicit or government banned methods/interfaces.

User found guilty will be penalised and strict action will be taken according to the fitting channel for any of notified or non-notified improper activity.

Website services will work for a particular duration of time but user will not have any intellectual property right on any portion or complete service adhered.

Service quality

Professional quality standard is the priority for Devnagri, any quality related issues are taken seriously at our platform. If the user is not satisfied with the quality of service (Translation) provided by the website then such cases shall be notified within 30 working days from the delivery date. If the notified complaint is accepted, then the user will get the revised content with recommended or known pointers.

Devnagri solely holds the rights to refuse the request for revision without any explanation. Further to have discussion in this regard user can contact at

Modifications and changes

Devnagri holds every right to change or modify any of its part or its subsidiary’s part. Prices & charges can be changed without any advance notice to the user. For the orders already placed the price will remain same but any change in order will automatically fall under new price lines. User payment durations can change at any moment of time and Devnagri is not bounded to provide intimations to the affected users beforehand. If user disagree with any of the change notified (or not) then he/she can discontinue his/her usage of this website. If any part of the T&Cs is not applicable on the user type than also other impacting parts will remain constant. Further, for any question or concern about terms, policies and general discussion free to write at

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