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Increase the reach of your entertainment, media, OTT platform by going multilingual

Multilingual publishing, entertainment and media content consumption is now at an all-time high. Localize your Media platform content to increase your reach and connect with newer audiences.

The Media translation specialists – Devnagri

Media platforms are gaining immense popularity due to the entertainment quotient that it carries and the quality of content. The emergence of the OTT platform has changed the facet of the entertainment industry. It has not only created a global platform for OTT players but also encouraged production houses to refine the quality of their content.

The latest trend in the OTT industry is translating content into various languages. The global OTT players in order to increase the reach and visibility of their content are translating the Media into different regional and international languages. Translating content allows these players to reach a wider audience pool and entice them to view the content.

Devnagri is one of the leading translation solutions providers in India. We are known for our comprehensive translation solutions and precision in our work. We are Media translation specialists. We follow a systematic and organized process for translation.

At Devnagri, we cover various elements of Media translation such as text, subtitling, dubbing as well as voiceovers.

Best AI translation company

Devnagri has carved a niche for itself by delivering quality Media translation work on time with precision. We have substantial experience in translating text, websites, mobile apps, video content, audio content into 12 Indian languages using our AI translation solutions.

The translation and localization for Media platforms enable one to re-use the content and amplify its reach. It makes it easy for platforms to introduce their content in regional markets. Moreover, translating Media content in local languages can increase the viewership of the content.

Unlock market potential to the fullest with Media translation

Without translating content, one will be locked in a particular language. Translating Media content into different languages enables one to unleash the market potential to the fullest. It opens new doors of opportunities for the content. Moreover, translating content can be at times very surprising as it can reveal some astonishing data about the taste of regional/international audiences.

Devnagri comprehends the power of Media translation and the role it can play in maximizing the reach of the content. Our AI-powered SAAS product is helping businesses to localise at scale. The main USPs of Devangri are:

Make your content suitable for different environment

Entertainment content has evolved exponentially. It has crossed the conventional barriers and moved to personal screens. Media platforms have brought more accessibility to the content. It has made it easy and convenient to view or download the content as and when required. In addition to this, subtitling and voice overs have improved the comprehension of the content. They make it easier to follow the conversation and keep up the pace with the Media.

OTT translation ensures that content is related, as per the linguistic nuance and aligned with the viewing environment.

Get the desired competitive edge

International and regional OTT platforms have a large amount of content and survive in competitive markets like India. One has to adapt its content in the regional language to meet the local demand for the content.

OTT translation can enable international and regional OTT players to compete on a larger scale. They can optimally use their content capital to the fullest and product tailored content too.

Devnagri offers the best-in-class OTT translation solutions. We translate OTT content into 12 regional languages. Right from subtitling, dubbing, transcripts, and voiceovers, everything is managed by us. We use the AI to achieve a superior level of precision in our work.

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This means translating Media content in different regional languages. Devnagri is one of the leading translation solutions platforms. We offer translation solutions in 12 Indian languages.

OTT/Entertainment/Media translations increase the reach of content. It enables one to penetrate new markets and reach a wide audience base.
Devnagri is one of the best translation platforms. We offer expert translation solutions to OTT/Entertainment/Media platforms. We are known for our attention to detail, eye for perfection and meticulous precision. Our translation solutions can enable us to reach the regional audience and increase the reach of the content. We are the perfect choice for bespoke OTT/Entertainment/Media translation needs.

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